Sunday, May 9, 2010

Letters to Liam available from Red Berry Editions

My limited edition chapbook, Letters to Liam, is now available from the publisher, Red Berry Editions:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shameless Self-Promotion

Blogs: What are they? Public diaries, memoir without even the momentary pretense of privacy? Yet another venue for shameless self-promotion? (For that matter, what is the self?) And who reads blogs anyway? Who has the time? Aren't we already awash in a sea of news feeds, tweets, would-be content for content's sake? Imagine the great, offshore digital dump to which we haul all this stuff to swirl endlessly, the poor unwitting pinnipeds getting tangled up in it, tearing their delicate flippers. Or is it in the sky? Cloud my eye. Here I sit, surrounded by books, journals, magazines, pages friable and yellow, oxidizing before my eyes, unread. Ah well, when in Rome...

Shameless self-promotion: Several of the poems in my chapbook, Letters to Liam, are appearing here and there in finer little journals and magazines (is anyone reading these?), including Confrontation, Hayden's Ferry Review, and Rhino. Some have appeared online at PoetryBay ( and Chaparral ( But to read all the Letters, you must get the chapbook (ask me how). "Letters to Liam" is printed on acid-free paper, in a limited-edition printing of 100 copies. The book was designed by book artist Marie Dern (you can see some of her work at and produced by Marie and her business partner, the poet and editor Jane Downs, at their new-ish publishing venture, Red Berry Editions ( My book's so "exclusive" it doesn't even appear on the Red Berry site. Yet. (Yes, I'm almost the "off-line man," if I may steal that from Roz Chast.)

On the off chance that anyone's reading this blog, the reading originally scheduled for April 23 has been postponed.  I'll post an update when it's rescheduled--probably sometime in June.